
Book News

Book News

Flyfishing & Tying Journal Winter Issue 2015-16

Saturday, October 24, 2015
The winter issue of Flyfishing & Tying Journal will be hitting the stands November 3rd. This is my first issue as editor packed with a lot of great articles, especially for all you steelhead anglers.

Marlon Rampy did a beautiful cover shot of the Medusa Fly.

I have written an extended editor's note, by way of introduction, and the book review column (Darrel ...

Fly Fishing and Tying Journal Facebook Page

Monday, August 31, 2015
Be sure to check out and Like, the Fly Fishing and Tying Journal Facebook page. New content, updates and exciting stuff coming soon!

New Position

Sunday, August 9, 2015
Wanted to share some great news: I have been appointed the new editor at Fly Fishing and Tying Journal (Frank Amato Publications). It's a wonderful honor to be involved in a magazine with such a great history.

40 Great American Trout Flies

Thursday, July 16, 2015
Farnk Amato Publications is putting the final touches on the new book titled 40 Great American Trout Flies. Proposed publication date is for February / March of 2016.

New Book Coming!

Monday, June 22, 2015
The new book will profile 40 flies with stunning photography by professional photographer Marlon Rampy.

To check out Marlon's photography see the 2015 summer issue of Fly fishing and Tying Journal (pictured to the left) or visit his website at: www.flyfishoregon.com

Get Started Fly Fishing Receives Award

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Get Started Fly Fishing (Frank Amato Publications, 2012) was awarded 3rd place in the Northwest Outdoor Writer's Association (NOWA) Excellence in Craft Award contest. Many thanks to NOWA for this great honor!

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